Tag: startup

Strategy, Architecture & Problem-Solving

Goal Wrangler logo

Goal Wrangler – an update

Like many companies across the world, Goal Wrangler slowed down to a pause. It has sat out the lockdown and we are now looking to engage with clients and potential customers. Here is the current offering: Goal Wrangler is open for consultancy: to medium-to-large organisations. to start-ups and scale-ups Goal Wrangler is looking to engage:…
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Goal Wrangler logo

Goal Wrangler

The idea for Goal Wrangler has been gestating for a while. It’s formed from our observations with a number of large national organisations. All of which experienced the same problems and all of which were able to work more effectively once we’d facilitated an improved focus. We’re new, we’re still defining our values (and we’re…
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dart in dartboard

Be Prepared To Squirm

I’m back in the startup world. We’re building a software solution and an associated consultancy. It’s early days for both, however we’ve been consulting for years (well, decades) before this so that’s not new to us, but the alignment and focus is new. We’re helping organisations of any size or sector achieve better alignment. There…
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Startup whiteboard

A New Phase

I’ve been thinking about what a new consultancy could look like for a few years; whether to start with values, start with contracts, start with composition, etc. Earlier this year, I started on a new hybrid SaaS/Consultancy model.  The trigger for me was the blending of the startup world, in terms of building the SaaS…
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Stealth Plane

Stealth Mode is a Novice’s Game

Yet again, I’ve come across another post by a would-be/current founder who’s asking for advice. They’ve framed the question in an abstract way, dancing around the subject, trying to get the advice that they want but without providing sufficient information about their idea for the community to be able to add any significant value.  It’s…
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Outsourcing your future

There’s a growing trend in organisations to outsource their future through innovation labs and innovation competitions. I like to question the rationale behind these decisions and look at the host company more closely. After all, what is behind its decision to handle innovation from outside-in, rather than inside-out? Reasons So let’s explore. Why would an…
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The Value Affix – Xtech and Why I’m Fed Up with Tech part 2

I wrote in the previous article that we don’t need a separate xtech for any given sector x. Abstracting further, the focus should be on the customer, not the technology. We see healthtech, fintech and insuretech which indicate the use of new technologies to improve existing or introduce new business models. But technology is just…
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xTech – Part 1 – Why I’m fed up with tech

xtech for Sector x Fintech is challenging the Finance sector Insurtech is challenging the Insurance sector Healthtech is challenging the Health sector Will we see Techtech challenging the Tech sector? And since new technology is developed every month and every year, would we be looking at a Techtechtech sector in a decade? It’s seems ludicrous…
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Where Do I Learn? – Part 2 – Books

If I’m driving, I’m listening to podcasts. If I’m travelling by train, then I’m reading. I typically read books that don’t directly relate to my profession, but those that I hope will change my approach to how I work with clients. For every client I go to, I end up mentoring business analysts, business architects,…
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Zombie Hands

Be a Startup, not a Zombie

I’m just catching up on an episode of The Salesman Podcast hosted by Will Barron. The episode is about being the first sales person in a new company. While I agree with everything Vinnie has said, one thing came to mind. If you’re the first salesperson and you’re conducting product-market fit conversations, then you’re working…
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